These consist of a mathematics block, an reading block, a writing block, and a rotating social studies/science block. A rotating PE/Elective schedule including art, music, and Spanish/Latin allows for enrichment and movement. Students at this age are not passive learners – they learn by doing rather than by just being told. That's why science is based on experiments, art is based on production, and music involves playing instruments and creating a theatrical production. Reading and writing revolve around sharing opinions and life experiences, and social studies is based on inquiry and discussion. Math follows the same approach because success isn't just about manipulating numbers, it's about being able to apply math concepts and number sense to real life situations.
The academic day begins with an all-school morning meeting where students begin the day dancing, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Students and teachers then take the opportunity to recognize others for outstanding moments, followed by some group cheers to build school spirit as they head to the first academic block of the day. Classes are taught with developmental expectations in mind, and social skills are integrated into the curriculum every day. Effective study skills are encouraged through classroom structure and routines, and responsibility is emphasized through instruction in specific techniques such as organizing and planning projects, learning how to manage homework, as well as arriving to each class period prepared and in a timely manner.