The Blanchard Leadership

The Blanchard Leadership Institute is the first of its kind, providing students, faculty, and staff the knowledge and tools they need for consistent, ongoing personal and professional growth. Fostering a growth-mindset across all divisions and age-groups, the Blanchard Leadership Institute will further equip the entire Brookstone School community to become a deliberately developmental organization. Partnering with the world-renowned team at The Developmental Edge (TDE), Andy Fleming and Claire Lee, along with their colleagues at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education, Dr. Robert Kegan and Dr. Lisa Lahey, the Blanchard Leadership Institute is truly the first of its kind of the world of independent schools.

The Faculty

Brookstone faculty are invested in their students. Campus wide there are eighty-seven teaching professionals, three librarians, and seven coun­selors. The average faculty member has fourteen years of teaching experience. With 65% of our teachers holding advanced degrees and seven holding doctorate degrees, our faculty is among the finest in Georgia. Our 10:1 stu­dent-teacher ratio allows our faculty to help students achieve their fullest potential both inside and out of the classroom, while developing close relationships that last well beyond their years at Brookstone.


We are committed to the social, emotional, and physical well-being of our students and faculty. With dedicated counselors working directly with students in all divisions and a full-time nurse and nurse tech serving our entire school, the overall wellness of our school community is of utmost importance.

Brookstone is the only school in the Columbus area to have a mandatory drug testing program in place for students in grades 8-12. The goals of the policy are proactive and preventative with the sole focus being our students’ health and well-being. The design of the policy provides for our students’ education on drug use, a reason to say no, and extensive support and opportunities for help if ever needed.

Global Online Academy

Brookstone is one of only 5 schools in Georgia and one of 117 worldwide that are in a partnership with Global Online Academy (GOA), a consortium of leading independent schools from around the world. GOA offers Brookstone students the opportunity to learn alongside peers from these schools. GOA courses further enrich the Brookstone experience by allowing eligible students to explore their passions through classes offered with GOA.

Learning Center

The mission of the Learning Center is to assist students in all grade levels in becoming successful, efficient, and independent learners. Our services including screening for the early detection of learning differences, assistance with language-based learning, curriculum support and accommodations, remediation, help with time management and executive function skills, and SAT prep.

Servant Leadership

Brookstone School strives to instill the value of Servant Leadership in every student by living out the attitude, “Serving Others, while Developing as Leaders”. The academic curriculum allows for integrated character education and service opportunities in the classroom, while students are involved in service and leadership development through activities with clubs, organizations, athletics, and community service projects.  

The Freshman Retreat

Brookstone takes its entire freshman class on an off-campus, outdoor adven­ture retreat the first week of school. This trip provides the opportunity for a solid beginning for the freshman year, for new friendships to be made, and a chance for students to build relationships with faculty that simply cannot happen in a classroom. The bonds that develop over the course of this retreat are invaluable.

Faculty Professional Development

Brookstone is committed to keeping its faculty the most well-trained and well-equipped professionals in their fields by pro­viding them ample time on and off campus for professional development. By studying and understanding the most current research, we are able to offer our students the best curricu­lum with the most efficient approaches, mak­ing our students better scholars.

Late Start Wednesday

In addition to a rotating schedule, the school day begins at 9:00 a.m. on Wednes­days. This allows for students to get an extra hour of sleep or study time, or choose to participate in one of the campus ministries that meet each week. In addition, this hour allows faculty time for professional devel­opment and team meetings.

Honor Code

Brookstone takes the con­cept of honor very seriously. We have an active student-led honor council that educates our student body on the importance of honor both individually, and communally. Every interme­diate, middle, and upper school student signs the Honor Code in an honor ceremony at the start of each school year that is then imple­mented throughout the curriculum and is lived out on campus.

Travel Opportunities

Brookstone believes strongly in the value of experiences learned off campus. There are numerous opportunities for educational travel through the school year and summer. These trips are faculty-led and offer students the opportu­nity to serve, study, and explore other coun­tries and cultures. From Europe, to Africa, to Central America, and more, education at Brookstone extends well beyond the tradi­tional classroom. In addition, all students in grades six through eight take a team-building, age-appropriate trip off of campus, culminat­ing in a four day hiking trip to North Carolina during the eighth grade year.

The Schedule

Brookstone uses a rotating schedule, which keeps both students and faculty engaged in the daily routine. A rotating schedule has also been shown to improve student and faculty performance because every­one functions better at different times of day.

Physical Education

Brookstone puts a strong emphasis on physical development, as well as academic development. Dedicated time spent in physical education not only helps children develop skills that will assist them later in athletics, but also helps them develop the habits of a healthy lifestyle.

Outdoor Classroom and Nature Program

Our Roaring Branch campus is a beautiful wooded area consisting of an out­door classroom for nature studies and observa­tion, as well as an all-faiths chapel and a cross country trail. Students have the opportunity to regularly visit these areas for instruction and exploration. We are the only school in the region with access to this beautiful rustic landscape without ever having to get in a car or cross a busy street.